Three days late. My apologies! Hope the pop culture references and homoerotic plot twist make up for it!
Laugh Track #4
Written by Patrick Shand
Art by Paul J. Hollingsworth
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Laugh Track #3
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Next Issue Is Ready
Hey all,
So a few days ago, I got Paul's art for Issue #3. It's a big first for us, in more than one way. It's our first holiday centric issue. It's our first one-pager. It's our first use of color (don't worry, b&w fans, it'll make sense when you read it). And perhaps most importantly? It's the first time we actually see Preston filming. Yup. Won't get details for a while on what their film's about, nor will the real story arc kick in for a while, but this is going to be the starting point for some major on-set comedy. Filming is very... stressful, so I guess you can say that the arc already did begin. Either way, there is a lot of good stuff to come.
Since the third issue is done, I could release it right now, but it's so so holiday specific. On any other day, it would be an "Oh, ha, ha, cute" but on March 17th, it'll be special. Here's the first image of one Mr. Preston filming.
Yup, that's seriousface he's got there. He's in the zone.
So Laugh Track returns March 17th, and we'll go monthly for a while after that. So yay? Yay.
So a few days ago, I got Paul's art for Issue #3. It's a big first for us, in more than one way. It's our first holiday centric issue. It's our first one-pager. It's our first use of color (don't worry, b&w fans, it'll make sense when you read it). And perhaps most importantly? It's the first time we actually see Preston filming. Yup. Won't get details for a while on what their film's about, nor will the real story arc kick in for a while, but this is going to be the starting point for some major on-set comedy. Filming is very... stressful, so I guess you can say that the arc already did begin. Either way, there is a lot of good stuff to come.
Since the third issue is done, I could release it right now, but it's so so holiday specific. On any other day, it would be an "Oh, ha, ha, cute" but on March 17th, it'll be special. Here's the first image of one Mr. Preston filming.
Yup, that's seriousface he's got there. He's in the zone.
So Laugh Track returns March 17th, and we'll go monthly for a while after that. So yay? Yay.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Laugh Track #2
Today, Inauguration Day 2009, history is made. Barack Obama becomes the first African American President of the United States. To honor this day, we take a look back at the trials and tribulations he went through to win the Presidency. Oh, and also, he and McCain fuck up Preston's filming schedule.
Laugh Track #2
Written by Patrick Shand
Art by Paul J. Hollingsworth
click to enlarge

We'll be taking a month off, but check back on SAINT PATRICK'S DAY for the third issue of LAUGH TRACK
The site will be updated with Preston and Jacey's blogs weekly until then. And hopefully Liam, if he can figure out how to turn the monitor on.
Laugh Track #2
Written by Patrick Shand
Art by Paul J. Hollingsworth
click to enlarge

We'll be taking a month off, but check back on SAINT PATRICK'S DAY for the third issue of LAUGH TRACK
The site will be updated with Preston and Jacey's blogs weekly until then. And hopefully Liam, if he can figure out how to turn the monitor on.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Filming has been hard. I'm supposed to score the fuckin' thing, but Preston wants me to be on set for every scene, to get a feel for the tone. He has one character with a speaking role, so I don't know how fuckin' complex he things the tone is going to be, but hey. He's Preston.
I don't like Preston.
But what I do like? New media. All sorts of badass shows, like LOST are now so much better because they have these little webisodes to add to it. Ever see that one where they have Jack's dad telling Vincent (cute little dog) to wake Jack up? That really introduces the series nicely.
Sorry. Tangent. That happens a lot when I don't take my meds.
I'm not much for writing blogs as I am for reading them, but I knew I had to give you guys the heads up on this. You know that dude Pat Shand? The guy who wrote/created me/tortures me by making me spend time with Preston? He's also doing this other webcomic called The Epitaph Trilogy. You can read the first issue over at the Epitaph myspace blog. Don't miss it, it's fuckin' sweet. Sometimes, I wish I were starring in that comic as the corpse so I wouldn't have to deal with Pres's bullshit.
But yeah, I'll give you a bit of info on the comic, right from the horse's mouth. Pat Shand is horse in question.
"The Epitaph Trilogy is a webcomic about undying love, corpses, crazy priests, and a bunch of other zany things. Here's the break down. When Roxanne was alive, Tristan wasn't a very good husband to her. But now, he's getting a second chance... only things are a bit different. Roxanne has been resurrected via Black Magick, but she's a bit more zombie than woman at the moment. Will the two lovers finally bond while they're on the run from a fanatical priest who wants to put Roxanne back in the ground?"
It doesn't update as often as our comic, but keep an eye on it for new stuff. It'll be on the blog roll on the side, so you can't miss it.
Don't tell Preston about it, though. I'm afraid he'll want to adapt it into a movie and try to bury me in the ground and make my climb out. Fuck.
Gotta split.
Signed, nobody's bitch,
Friday, January 9, 2009

Preston, star of the show, blogging here. Yup, I hear the adoring mews of the fans, but please, hush. I must speak.
It seems there's been a bit of a delay on the release of my next adventure with the annoyingly snarky Jacey and my movie-star-in-the-making, Liam. Issue #2 is a very special very American issue. It's the most American thing I've seen since Mel Gibson, but better because we don't hate Jews... I mean they've got Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, Judd Apatow. C'mon Mel. But I digress. Our special tribute to the voting system of America will be released on January 20th, in honor of the Presidential Inauguration.
Now hush, little puppies. I know what you're thinking. "Voting? America? How boring! Where is the funniness that Issue #1 promised was coming at us from all angles, like a beast with multiple penises (peni?)?" Ho, I say! Never fear! We've got one Ms. Sarah Palin making a guest appearance in Issue #2, so you know it's going to be funny as something that, in actuality, is pretty sad but you've just gotta laugh anyway.
So yes. To make up for the non-issue of today's non-issue, I'm going to blog about current movies, and why they're either a) a masterpiece of filmgasm or b) the devil. The dude who created me, some shabby schlup named Pat Shand, a tool if I ever met one, might check in to make sure his opinion is heard. He's such an opinionated dick, I mean, you should see what this hack of a writer has in store for me and my crew.
Preston says... Okay. I want to fight Roger Ebert. This hack said "The movie's premise devalues any relationship, makes futile any friendship or romance, and spits, not into the face of destiny, but backward into the maw of time." Wow, Roger. Way to judge the film on your own inability to overcome your own limitations. You know what you need? You need a good ol' b-jay to take the tenseness out of you. Not that I'm offering! Just, you used to be somewhat reliable, but now your rants sound more like the ramblings of a n00b than the seasoned vet you should be. This movie rawks!
(Pat Shand says... Loved this film. 9/10)
Preston says... Not gonna lie. I wept. Owen Wilson has such a Dumbledore nose.
**** 1/2
(Pat Shand says... Also loved this. 8/10)
Preston says... As a huge fan of Titanic, I feel a bit insulted that these fuckers felt the need to tarnish Jack and Rose with this "What if" film. Rose died a Jackless old woman, she didn't go and live in little boxes on the hillside! C'mon!
(Pat Shand says... Didn't see this, but I'm interested. Though Preston isn't far off from how the trailer made me feel, but more in a funny way. Pairing up one of the most famous romantic duo for a role a dramatic as this is pretty funny.)
Preston says... Okay, gotta say, it is interesting to see Tom Cruise show his true colors, but damn. Does it really have to be a two-hour movie? This was better when it was a fifteen minute "Scientology is mah fave!" promotional video. Plus, how do you have a title this badass but a film so weak? Abysmal.
(Pat Shand says... No intention of seeing this)
Preston says... Adam Sandler is the star, so you know it's going to be a blowout blast of fun. I admit a little fear that this would suck as much as the Zohan flick, which was basically a tribute to Adam's considerable package, but this, being more kid friendly, had limited cock-action. And it was still good!
(Pat Shand says... A good friend of mine has a mancrush on Adam Sandler, so I might go see this. I have no opinion on it right now. I just wish it was July so the real Sandler treat, the Judd Apatow "Funny People" starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen would be out.)
Preston, signing out! See you, and Palin, on the 20th!
Friday, December 12, 2008
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